Article Brapci-Revistas

Bibliotecas e sociedade: evolução da interpretação de função e papéis da biblioteca

Libraries and society: the evolution of interpretation of function and roles of the library

Revisão de opiniões expressas na literatura, ao longo de quase um século (1880-1975 aprox.), sobre a função das bibliotecas na sociedade. Com poucas exceções, os autores citados são ingleses ou americanos, e quase sempre se referem a bibliotecas públicas. Embora as atitudes tenham variado muito de uma época para outra, um ponto básico permanece sempre o mesmo: a biblioteca não é uma entidade independente, capaz de declarar quais e como seus serviços serão oferecidos; depende inteiramente de uma série de fatores existentes em seu ambiente. Suas funções básicas não mudam - coleta, preservação, organização e difusão de informações - mas sim, a maneira de desempenho e objetivos de seus serviços.@pt

Review of opinions expressed in the literature over nearly a century (1880-1975 aprox.) on the role of libraries in society. with few exceptions, these authors are british or american, and almost always refer to public libraries. while attitudes have varied greatly from one era to another, a basic point remains the same: the library is not an independent entity, able to state what and how their services will be offered, is entirely dependent on a number of factors in your environment. not change its basic functions - collection, preservation, organization and dissemination of information - but the manner of performance and objectives of their services.@en

. Bibliotecas e sociedade: evolução da interpretação de função e papéis da biblioteca libraries and society: the evolution of interpretation of function and roles of the library. Revista da escola de biblioteconomia da ufmg, [????].


  • BENGE, R.C., Bibliography and the provision of books. London: Association of Assistant Librarians, 1963. 240 p.
  • BENGE, R.C., Librarias and cultural e change. Londort: Clive Bingley, 1970. 278 p.
  • BLAKE, Fay M., Let my people know - access to Informa-tion in a post-industrial society. Wilson Ubrery Bulletin, n. 392.99, Jan. 1968.
  • BOSTWICK, Arthur E., The lave of books as a balis for libra-rianship. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American Li-brary phllosophy, an anthology, Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1973, p. 20-30. Originally published: Library Journal 32:51.5, Feb. 1907.
  • BROADFIELD, A., A philosophy of librarlanship. London, Graf-ton, 1949. 120 p.
  • BUNDY, Mary Lee., Urban information and public librarias. Library Journal, v. 97, n. 2. 15 Jan. 1972.
  • BUTLER, Pierce, An Introductlon to llbrary science. 2 ed. Ilinois, The University of Chicago Press, c. 1933. 1963.
  • CURLEY, Arthur, Social responsibility and librarias. In: VOIGT, Melvin J., ed. Advances in Librarianship. v. 4. New York, Academie Press, 1974. p. 77-101.
  • DANA, John Cotton, Many sided interest: how the library promotes it. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American librar/ philosophy - an anthology. Hamden. Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 10-20. Originally published: Schoal Journal, Dec. 22, 1906.
  • DANTON, J. Penam, Pica for a philosopy of librarianship: philosophia ver ornnia matar artium. Library Quarterty p. 527-51. Oct. 1934.
  • DAWES, Len, Librarias, cultura and blacks. Assistant Libra-rian, v. 66, n. 7, July 1973.
  • DEWEY, Melvin, The profession. In: ELLSWORTH, Dianne J. & STEVES, Norrnan D., eds. Landmarks of llbrary literatura, 1876-1976. Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1976. p. 21-3. Orginally published: v. 0, n. 1. 30, 1876.
  • DEWEY, Melvin, The reiatiori of the State to the Public library. /n: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American Ubrary philosophy - an anthology. Hamden, Comi., Shoe String, 1975. p. 1-9. Originally published: Transactions and proceedings of the 2nd International Library Con-ference, 1898.
  • EGAN, Margaret, The library and social structure. In: GE-RARD, David E, ed. Librarias In society. London, Clive Bingley, 1978. p. 27-38. Originally published: Ubrary Quarterly 25(1), Jan. 1955.
  • FOSKETT, D.J., Information service In librarias. London, Cros-by Lockwood, 1958. 153 p.
  • FOSKETT, D.J., The creed of a librariam no politica, no re-ligion, no morais. London, The Library Association, 1962. 13 p. (Reference, Special and Information Sec-tion. North Western Group. Occasional papem, 3).
  • FOSKETT, D.J., Science, humanisrn and librarias. London, Crosby Lockwood, 1964. Chaps: 2 - Special Librarias, p. 35. 3 - Readers needs in industrial librarias, p. 45, 4 - Documentation in the humanities, p. 57. 5 - Documentation in the social sciences, p. 68, 6 - Edu-cational librarias and information services, p. 78.
  • FOSKETT, D.J., introduction, In: SHERA, Jesse H., Librarias and the organization of knowledge. London, Crosby Lockwood, 1965. p. ix-xix.
  • FOSKETT, D.J., Public knowledge and the social dimension of librarianship. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, v. 1, n. 1: 68-78. Jan. 1969. (Revieres of ZIMAN, J.M. Public knowledge: an essay on the social dimension of science. CUP, 1968).
  • FOSS, Sam Walter, Some cardinal principies of a librarian´s work. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American Iibrery philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 31-8. Originaliy published: Public Librarias, March 1909.
  • HARRIS, Ralph. Some issues in political economy. In: GE-RARD, David, ed. Librarias In soclety: a ~der. London, Clive Bingley, 1978. p. 49-51. Originally published: Li-brarias: free-for-ali? Institute of Economic Affairs 1962. (Hobart Papar 19).
  • IRWIN, Raymond, The library service in the weifare state. In: GERARD, David, ed. Libraries In soclety: e reeder. London, Clive Bingrey, 1978. p. 21-6. Originally publis-hed: Library World 53(8). Aug/Sept. 1950.
  • JEVONS, Stanley, The rationale of free public librarias. In: GERARD, David, ed, Libraries In soclety: a reader. London, Clive Elmgley, 1978. p. 16-20. Originally published: Contemporary Review v. 16, n. 3. March, 1881.
  • LANDHEER, B., Social functions of librarias. New York, Sca-recrow Press, 1957. 287 p.
  • MARCO, Guy A., Old wine in new bottles. In: McCRIMMON. Barbara, ed. American library philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn,, Shoe String, 1975. p. 191.201. OH-ginally published: Ohio Library Bulletin, 35: 8-14. Oct 1966.
  • MARTIN, Lowell, The American public library as a social ins-titulon. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed, American library philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 63-87. Originally published: Library Quarterly 7: 546-63. Oct. 1937.
  • NITECKI, Joseph, Public interest and the theory of librarian-ship. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American Ilbrary philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 172-90. Originaliy published: Coliege and Re-search Librarian 25.: 269-78. July 1964.
  • ORTEGA Y GASSET, Jose de., Mision del bibliotecario In: Obras completas de Jose de Ortega y Gasset. Tomo V, 1933 1941. Madrid, Revista do Occidente 1947. p. 207.32.
  • PIJTNAM, Herbert, ´Per Contra´. In: McCRIMMON, Barbara, ed. American Ilbrary philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 39-50. Originally published Library Journal 40 471-6. July 1915.
  • RANGANATHAN, S.R., The Eive laws of library science. Ma. dras, ASIA Publishing House, 1963.
  • RICHADSON, Ernest Cushing, The book and the person who knows the book. In: McCRIMMON, Berbere, ed. Ama-.rican library philosophy: an anthology. Hamden, Conn., Shoe String, 1975. p. 51-62. Originally published: ALA Bulletin. Oct. 1927. p. 289-95.
  • SHERA, -lesse H. Foundations of Education for Ubrarianship. New York, Becker & Hayes, 1972. 511 p.
  • WASSERMAN, Paul, The new libradanship: a challenge for a change. New York, Bowker, 1972. Chap, 1 — Need for change. p. 3-24.
  • WILLIAMS, ❑erek, Aspects of a changing society. Assistant Librarian, 42 March 1977.
Visto 16 vezes
sem referências
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                            [Revisão de opiniões expressas na literatura, ao longo de quase um século (1880-1975 aprox.), sobre a função das bibliotecas na sociedade. Com poucas exceções, os autores citados são ingleses ou americanos, e quase sempre se referem a bibliotecas públicas. Embora as atitudes tenham variado muito de uma época para outra, um ponto básico permanece sempre o mesmo: a biblioteca não é uma entidade independente, capaz de declarar quais e como seus serviços serão oferecidos; depende inteiramente de uma série de fatores existentes em seu ambiente. Suas funções básicas não mudam - coleta, preservação, organização e difusão de informações - mas sim, a maneira de desempenho e objetivos de seus serviços.] => 0


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                            [Review of opinions expressed in the literature over nearly a century (1880-1975 aprox.) on the role of libraries in society. with few exceptions, these authors are british or american, and almost always refer to public libraries. while attitudes have varied greatly from one era to another, a basic point remains the same: the library is not an independent entity, able to state what and how their services will be offered, is entirely dependent on a number of factors in your environment. not change its basic functions - collection, preservation, organization and dissemination of information - but the manner of performance and objectives of their services.] => 0



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                            [Revista da Escola de Biblioteconomia da UFMG, v. 13, n. 1, 1984, p. 7-54.] => 0



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                            [Bibliotecas e sociedade: evolução da interpretação de função e papéis da biblioteca] => 0


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