Article Brapci-Revistas


Telehealth: a permanent education strategy applied to the practices and reorganization of the basic care working processes in the state of bahia

Abstract the role of telehealth in the training of primary care professionals in bahia includes the provision of services through the dimensions of teleconsultation, tele-education and telediagnosis, as well as its sub-dimensions related to second formative opinion (sof) and field monitoring ( support to the municipalities) with activities directed to all categories of health professionals in primary care (ph), who compose, act in programs and strategies of the ministry of health in the municipalities of bahia. permanent education (pe) is a powerful tool of the unified health system (sus) that enables the transformation and qualification of health practices, capable of allowing individual and institutional development, being a transformative agent in the re-organization of the work process that can contribute to health worker training. the training of professionals in the use of their services takes place through face-to-face and distance training (web-lectures), operated under an online platform.. this health assessment project consists of verifying and responding to the role of tele-education provision through telehealth in improving the qualification of health services, identifying services according to the management tool proposal.   keywords:  telehealth 1. permanent education 2. basic attention 3.@en

O Papel do Telessaúde na formação dos profissionais da atenção básica na Bahia, passa pelas ofertas dos serviços através das dimensões da Teleconsultoria, Tele-educação e do Telediagnóstico, como também as suas subdimensões referentes a  Segunda Opinião Formativa (SOF) e Monitoria de Campo (Apoio aos municípios) com atividades direcionadas a todas as categorias de profissionais de saúde na Atenção Básica (AB), que compõem, atuam em programas e estratégias do Ministério da Saúde nos municípios baianos. A Educação Permanente (EP) é uma ferramenta potente do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) que possibilita transformar e qualificar as práticas de saúde, capaz de permitir o desenvolvimento individual e institucional, sendo um agente transformador na re-organização do processo de trabalho que pode contribuir para formação do trabalhador em saúde.  A capacitação de profissionais no uso dos seus serviços acontece por meio de treinamentos presenciais e a distância (web-palestras), operacionalizado sob uma plataforma online. O presente Projeto Avaliativo em Saúde consiste em verificar e responder qual o papel da oferta da Tele-educação por meio do telessaúde na melhoria da qualificação dos serviços de saúde, identificação dos serviços segundo a proposta da ferramenta de gestão. Palavras-chave: Telessaúde 1. Educação Permanente 2. Atenção Básica 3.@pt
Abstract the role of telehealth in the training of primary care professionals in bahia includes the provision of services through the dimensions of teleconsultation, tele-education and telediagnosis, as well as its sub-dimensions related to second formative opinion (sof) and field monitoring ( support to the municipalities) with activities directed to all categories of health professionals in primary care (ph), who compose, act in programs and strategies of the ministry of health in the municipalities of bahia. permanent education (pe) is a powerful tool of the unified health system (sus) that enables the transformation and qualification of health practices, capable of allowing individual and institutional development, being a transformative agent in the re-organization of the work process that can contribute to health worker training. the training of professionals in the use of their services takes place through face-to-face and distance training (web-lectures), operated under an online platform.. this health assessment project consists of verifying and responding to the role of tele-education provision through telehealth in improving the qualification of health services, identifying services according to the management tool proposal.   keywords:  telehealth 1. permanent education 2. basic attention 3.@es

Visto 13 vezes
sem referências
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the role of telehealth in the training of primary care professionals in bahia includes the provision of services through the dimensions of teleconsultation, tele-education and telediagnosis, as well as its sub-dimensions related to second formative opinion (sof) and field monitoring ( support to the municipalities) with activities directed to all categories of health professionals in primary care (ph), who compose, act in programs and strategies of the ministry of health in the municipalities of bahia. permanent education (pe) is a powerful tool of the unified health system (sus) that enables the transformation and qualification of health practices, capable of allowing individual and institutional development, being a transformative agent in the re-organization of the work process that can contribute to health worker training. the training of professionals in the use of their services takes place through face-to-face and distance training (web-lectures), operated under an online platform.. this health assessment project consists of verifying and responding to the role of tele-education provision through telehealth in improving the qualification of health services, identifying services according to the management tool proposal.
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                            [O Papel do Telessaúde na formação dos profissionais da atenção básica na Bahia, passa pelas ofertas dos serviços através das dimensões da Teleconsultoria, Tele-educação e do Telediagnóstico, como também as suas subdimensões referentes a  Segunda Opinião Formativa (SOF) e Monitoria de Campo (Apoio aos municípios) com atividades direcionadas a todas as categorias de profissionais de saúde na Atenção Básica (AB), que compõem, atuam em programas e estratégias do Ministério da Saúde nos municípios baianos. A Educação Permanente (EP) é uma ferramenta potente do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) que possibilita transformar e qualificar as práticas de saúde, capaz de permitir o desenvolvimento individual e institucional, sendo um agente transformador na re-organização do processo de trabalho que pode contribuir para formação do trabalhador em saúde.  A capacitação de profissionais no uso dos seus serviços acontece por meio de treinamentos presenciais e a distância (web-palestras), operacionalizado sob uma plataforma online. O presente Projeto Avaliativo em Saúde consiste em verificar e responder qual o papel da oferta da Tele-educação por meio do telessaúde na melhoria da qualificação dos serviços de saúde, identificação dos serviços segundo a proposta da ferramenta de gestão.
Palavras-chave: Telessaúde 1. Educação Permanente 2. Atenção Básica 3.] => 0


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the role of telehealth in the training of primary care professionals in bahia includes the provision of services through the dimensions of teleconsultation, tele-education and telediagnosis, as well as its sub-dimensions related to second formative opinion (sof) and field monitoring ( support to the municipalities) with activities directed to all categories of health professionals in primary care (ph), who compose, act in programs and strategies of the ministry of health in the municipalities of bahia. permanent education (pe) is a powerful tool of the unified health system (sus) that enables the transformation and qualification of health practices, capable of allowing individual and institutional development, being a transformative agent in the re-organization of the work process that can contribute to health worker training. the training of professionals in the use of their services takes place through face-to-face and distance training (web-lectures), operated under an online platform.. this health assessment project consists of verifying and responding to the role of tele-education provision through telehealth in improving the qualification of health services, identifying services according to the management tool proposal.
keywords:  telehealth 1. permanent education 2. basic attention 3.] => 0



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                            [Telehealth: a permanent education strategy applied to the practices and reorganization of the basic care working processes in the state of bahia] => 0

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                            [TELEHEALTH: A PERMANENT EDUCATION STRATEGY APPLIED TO THE PRACTICES AND REORGANIZATION OF THE BASIC CARE WORKING PROCESSES IN THE STATE OF BAHIA: uma estratégia de educação permanente aplicada às práticas e reorganização dos processos de trabalho na atenção básica no estado da Bahia] => 0


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