Article Brapci-Autoridades

Webometria e análise das menções web dos partidos políticos com representação no Senado Federal

Webometrics and analysis of web mentions of the political parties with representation in Federal Senate

Apresenta a aplicação de técnica webométrica entre as conexões na web dos partidos políticos com representação no Senado Federal com o intuito de entender como se relaciona cada partido político na rede. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada teve como abordagem o método quantitativo com a mensuração de cinco indicadores, no qual foram analisados o tamanho de site de cada partido político e a busca intercalada de dois partidos políticos de forma simples, por operador Booleano e por website com menção web. Entre os resultados verificou que todos os partidos políticos em estudo possuem conexões na web, que a busca com operador Booleano filtra mais páginas que uma busca simples. Em relação ao tamanho de site o PSDB é o que tem o maior número de páginas, assim como o que mais emite menções web dos demais partidos políticos. Ainda em relação aos resultados o coeficiente de Correlação Linear de Pearson apontou uma classificação muito forte para as variáveis Tamanho de site confrontada com Menções web recebidas e para Busca simples confrontada com Busca Booleana. Conclui-se que estudos entre recuperação da informação e webometria possuem correlação, assim como as conexões dos partidos políticos.@pt

It presents the application of webometric technique between the connections into the web of the political parties with representation in the Federal Senate with aims to understand how each political party relates on the network. To that end, the methodology used was the quantitative method with the measurement of five indicators, in which the size of each political party´s site and the search of two political parties were analyzed in a simple way, by Boolean operator and by website with Web mention. Among the results it was verified that all the political parties in study have connections in the web, that the search with Boolean operator filters more pages than a simple search. In relation to the size of the site, the PSDB is the one with the largest number of pages, as well as the one that most emits web mentions of the other political parties. Still in relation to the results, the Pearson’s coefficient Linear Correlation showed a very strong classification for the variables Size of the site confronted with received web Mentions and for simple Search confronted with Boolean Search. It is concluded that studies between information retrieval and webometric have correlation, as well as the connections of political parties@en

. Webometria e análise das menções web dos partidos políticos com representação no senado federal webometrics and analysis of web mentions of the political parties with representation in federal senate. Encontros bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [????].
Visto 19 vezes
sem referências
    [dateOfAvailability] => Array
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                            [Eduardo Silveira] => 2143

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                            [Márcio Matias] => 13111



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                            [Ciência da informação] => 237157

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                            [Webometria] => 234530

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                            [Menção web] => 32433

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                            [Information science] => 233818

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                            [Webometrics] => 176481

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                            [Linear correlation] => 32437

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                            [Political parties] => 32438



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                            [Encontros Bibli: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação] => 271



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                            [ISSUE:JNL:00016-2018-23-53] => 31359



    [hasAbstract] => Array
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                            [Apresenta a aplicação de técnica webométrica entre as conexões na web dos partidos políticos com representação no Senado Federal com o intuito de entender como se relaciona cada partido político na rede. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada teve como abordagem o método quantitativo com a mensuração de cinco indicadores, no qual foram analisados o tamanho de site de cada partido político e a busca intercalada de dois partidos políticos de forma simples, por operador Booleano e por website com menção web. Entre os resultados verificou que todos os partidos políticos em estudo possuem conexões na web, que a busca com operador Booleano filtra mais páginas que uma busca simples. Em relação ao tamanho de site o PSDB é o que tem o maior número de páginas, assim como o que mais emite menções web dos demais partidos políticos. Ainda em relação aos resultados o coeficiente de Correlação Linear de Pearson apontou uma classificação muito forte para as variáveis Tamanho de site confrontada com Menções web recebidas e para Busca simples confrontada com Busca Booleana. Conclui-se que estudos entre recuperação da informação e webometria possuem correlação, assim como as conexões dos partidos políticos.] => 0


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                            [It presents the application of webometric technique between the connections into the web of the political parties with representation in the Federal Senate with aims to understand how each political party relates on the network. To that end, the methodology used was the quantitative method with the measurement of five indicators, in which the size of each political party´s site and the search of two political parties were analyzed in a simple way, by Boolean operator and by website with Web mention. Among the results it was verified that all the political parties in study have connections in the web, that the search with Boolean operator filters more pages than a simple search. In relation to the size of the site, the PSDB is the one with the largest number of pages, as well as the one that most emits web mentions of the other political parties. Still in relation to the results, the Pearson’s coefficient Linear Correlation showed a very strong classification for the variables Size of the site confronted with received web Mentions and for simple Search confronted with Boolean Search. It is concluded that studies between information retrieval and webometric have correlation, as well as the connections of political parties] => 0

                    [1] => Array
                            [It presents the application of webometric technique between the connections into the web of the political parties with representation in the Federal Senate with aims to understand how each political party relates on the network. To that end, the methodology used was the quantitative method with the measurement of five indicators, in which the size of each political party´s site and the search of two political parties were analyzed in a simple way, by Boolean operator and by website with Web mention. Among the results it was verified that all the political parties in study have connections in the web, that the search with Boolean operator filters more pages than a simple search. In relation to the size of the site, the PSDB is the one with the largest number of pages, as well as the one that most emits web mentions of the other political parties. Still in relation to the results, the Pearson’s coefficient Linear Correlation showed a very strong classification for the variables Size of the site confronted with received web Mentions and for simple Search confronted with Boolean Search. It is concluded that studies between information retrieval and webometric have correlation, as well as the connections of political parties] => 0



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                            [Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação; v. 23, n. 53 (2018): Data de publicação: 06/09/2018; 174-183] => 0

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                            [Webometria e análise das menções web dos partidos políticos com representação no Senado Federal] => 0


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                            [Webometrics and analysis of web mentions of the political parties with representation in Federal Senate] => 0



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